Playful dolphins.

Cultural Traditions

First Nations knowledge holders share stories and speak of cultural connections to the times of the Old People of the land bridge.

First Nations knowledge extends to the time when the ice age climate changed and the land bridge and other coastland around Australia was submerged due to rising sea levels between around 15,000 and around 8,000 years ago. Dreaming stories, including the sacred journeys of the whale, tell of long-ago great floods and loss of land. Photograph: envato elements.

Read the stories

Flood dreaming stories

Flood dreaming stories

Dreaming stories like Gurawul the Whale and other stories involving flood and sea change link the Original First People to the Ancestors, culture, song lines and the land bridge.

Gunnai language and the land bridge

Gunnai language and the land bridge

Within Gunnai language there are names and stories which are evidence of connections to Lutruwita/Tasmania which have never been lost, just submerged by the waters.

Sea Country is a living being

Sea Country is a living being

There are two ways of seeing the world now. The first way is short sighted and needs a new lens, the second way is to open the other eye which sees clearly and without assistance.

Tayaritja milaythina muka

Tayaritja milaythina muka

Pakana Sea Country Rangers are working with community and government to monitor the health of Sea Country around Tayaritja/the Bass Strait Islands and northeastern Lutruwita/Tasmania and develop a Sea Country Indigenous Protected Area (IPA).